Home made dog treats (no preservatives)

Ripe bananas, pumpkin puree, peanut butter, carrots, or apples, make for this tasty recipe that dogs love!

I have received several inquiries in regards to my Home made dog treats, so I figured I would post the recipe here. 

If I am completely honest with you, I found a few recipes online and I modified it to my liking. You can always search more options on the web to adjust to your pups palate. 

As always, please introduce new food items slowly into your dogs diet, as any change may affect their GI tract.

A few things to note about this recipe:  

  • The treats you’ll obtain from this dough, are chewy, not crunchy.
  • There are no preservatives, which means, you either go through them within a few days, or place them in the fridge for a maximum of 14 days. You can also freeze them and bring them out in batches, which is what I do.  
  • This dough does not lend itself well for cookie cutters
  • The amount of ingredients I use is enough for, 4 XL dogs for 2 weeks (the recipe can be halved to adjust to different pack sizes)


  • A bunch of ultra-ripe bananas (black, spotted, mushy, bananas are your best friend)  
  • A jar of peanut butter 16oz (smooth, crunchy or any). Make sure it is FREE of xylitol or artificial sweeteners.  
  • 3 eggs  
  • 2-4 cups of whole wheat flour (you can replace with normal flour). The amount of flour depends on how many wet ingredients you add. I usually use 3 cups.  
  • A 30oz Can of pumpkin pure  
  • 6 tablespoons of coconut oil  
  • Variations: 1C Shredded carrots, 1C Shredded zucchini, and / or 1C shredded apples added to the mix.  


Preheat oven to 350F 

  1. Add bananas to mixing bowl and mash with the paddle.
  2. Add eggs one by one until incorporated.   
  3. Add half a jar of peanut butter and incorporate (you can use all the jar, depending on the amount of bananas you have). I usually add ½ jar for 6 bananas.  
  4. Add pumpkin pure, and incorporate. 
  5. Lastly, add flour, one cup at a time, until all the ingredients have been merged. The dough should be thick, moist and sticky 
  6. On two large cookie sheet trays, add 3 tablespoons of oil directly on each tray and coat the bottom. (You may use parchment paper instead. If you do decide to use paper instead of oil, add oil to mix)
  7. Divide the dough in two batches and place on each tray.  
  8. Extend dough with a spatula until it covers all, or most of the tray.  
  9. Place in the oven and cook for 30 min. If you spread it too thinly, it should be done in 20-25 minutes.  
  10. Take out to cool completely and cut into desired shape – I usually do squares with a knife to make my life easy.
May your pups enjoy with Home made dog treats 🙂 !
Home made dog treats